Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Marry a movie buff...n yes! you become one too!

“It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it.”
―Roger Ebert

Well, Thats what I learnt from my husband....its not about watching a movie, its all about experiencing intensely you are dragged into the mood of the involved you get into the plot of real the characters moved you are with the emotion.....and finally how you are magically transported into its world.....

I guess the following dialogue from the book Demonglass, totally describes my hubby..

“I wish we could go to the movies."
I stared at him. "We're in a creepy dungeon. There's a chance I might die in the next few hours. You are going to die in the next few hours. And if you had one wish, it would be to catch a movie?”

Initially I never understood his deeply crafted interest in movies......."movies are just for timepass right?" I always thought.......but slowly I realized how genuinely passionate he is about them.....I cant help but envy his passion.......the childlike excitement I see in him when discusing movies/books truly makes me jealous, wanting me to experience that passion......frankly, I dont know what I am soo passionate about....anyway I ll stop this para before I start vigorously thinking about what all things I still need explore to discover one :)

So coming back to movies, I have seen many movies with him which othwrise I wouldnt even have though of watching leave alone appreciating/liking them....n to my surprise I truly loved many movies which he also admires......
I became a movie buff myself...but ofcourse to a much much lesser degree....n redbox/netflix became part of our lazy weekends

I understand now that it is not about the story but about how the story is narrated....

And here I am starting this blog to write reviews of the movies/books as part of my new year resolution :P :)
Anyway the picture below is the fondant cake I made for my movie buff hubby on his bday :)

Signing off,

1 comment:

redeyes_kranti said...

1. Awesome cake.
2. Great write-up.
3. Your story has a startling similarity to ours. 1movie is almost mandatory every day. Food always a second priority.
4. Please share some different movies(They don't have to be gr8).